AC Repair in Arlington, TX

An air conditioner is a common piece of equipment found in most homes. Air conditioners assist in conditioning the indoor air to more comfortable levels for you. Whether it’s a split, central air, window unit or heat pump, their main function is to cool the indoor air. Of course, some air conditioning equipment can do much more than just cool the air. For example, many mini-split systems can also decrease indoor air humidity to more comfortable levels. 

What Does AC Repair Involve?

Air conditioning repair assists in taking care of issues that arise with the equipment. Problems such as water leaking from the unit, unusual noises, break downs, and inadequate cooling are examples. With that in mind, you can understand just how important it is to have your AC system properly maintained. 

What exactly is included with AC repair services?

Modern day AC systems are complicated pieces of equipment and there are multiple things that can go wrong with usage. The first steps the HVAC technician will perform will be too thoroughly inspect the AC equipment. He or she will troubleshoot and discover the exact cause of the issue with the system. Once the root of the problem has been discovered the technician will let you know what it is. They will also explain what needs to be done, and how much it will cost to fix it. 

What are some of the top reasons for AC Break downs?

As explained above, the more complex a piece of machinery is the more than go wrong with extended usage.  Here in the Arlington, Fort Worth & Dallas region we tend to use our AC for extended periods of time during the summer. With this much usage, over time, something is bound to break down. Below we go over some of the top reasons for AC break downs. 


dirty hvac air filter

Dirty Air Filter

The most common reason for AC breaking down is due to negligence with maintaining a systems HVAC filter. The majority of HVAC filters are only rated for 30 days. Most HVAC manufacturers will tell you to exchange your air filter every month when using the system. However, there are other factors that can possibly increase or even decrease how often you should the air filter.

If you or anyone else in your household works from home, then the AC will be used much more often. If you have indoor pets, then their dander will be captured by the air filter, further decreasing its life cycle. If you or anyone else living in the home smokes, then cigarette smoke will also further corrode the air filter. All these things can decrease the performance of an air filter and you may end up needing to exchange air filters every couple of weeks rather than every month. However, if no one is hardly ever home, you have no indoor pets or smoke then you may not need to exchange filters but every two or even three months.

What can Happen if I have a Dirty Air Filter?

The most common symptom of a dirty air filter is lack of cooling and / or the condenser coils freezing up. When an air filter is dirty it reduces the airflow. The lack of air being drawn in over the condenser coils will eventually cause the coils to ice over. Once iced over, the ice will block conditioned air from being dispersed throughout the indoor living area. 

dirty evaporator coil

Issues With Evaporator Coil

Another common problem that arises with HVAC systems is the evaporator coil. It is located inside the home. The evaporator coil’s function is to absorb indoor heat and humidity and then expel it outdoors. It then distributes cooled air into the living space via the ductwork. Whenever the evaporator coil becomes to dirty it will not be able to function properly. The build-up of dirt will prevent it from absorbing indoor heat and humidity. The result, an extremely uncomfortable home. 

dirty condenser coil

Dirty Condenser Coils 

The HVAC system’s condenser coils will be located outside of your home within the outdoor unit. Due to its exposure to the elements, it can become caked in dirt and dead vegetation. If there is too much build-up of dirt and debris on the condenser coils, it will not be able to operate as efficiently as it would otherwise. Overtime this will bring about higher electrical costs. Oftentimes, the condenser coils can be cleaned with a hose. However, in cases with large amounts of build-up it will need to be professionally cleaned. 


Refrigerant Leak

Sometimes a tube or pipe may crack in the HVAC system allowing refrigerant to leak out. Whenever this occurs, the indoor temperatures and humidity will begin to rise. As more refrigerant leaks, the system’s cooling ability will continually decrease. If not taken care of, it can cause further damage to the system such as destroying the compressor. In almost all cases, a refrigerant leak can be repaired once a leak test is performed in order to determine where the leak is. 


Clogged Drainage Line

Another area of the HVAC system that can become backed up is the drainage line.  This happens when dirt, dander, dust from inside the home builds up. Once the drain line becomes clogged, the drain pan will begin to fill up with water and overflow. This can possibly damage the AC system and its components. On top of that, it can also cause wood damage, wood rot, and the build-up of mold around the area. The accumulation of mold could get into the system and distributed throughout the vents making you, your loved ones and indoor pets sick or worse if it is black mold. 

bad hvac condenser capacitor

Bad Capacitor

The capacitor is a component that powers the systems motors that in turn power the unit’s compressor and fan motors. The start capacitor will emit a jolt of electricity that will turn on the motor. Whereas, with the run capacitor will send intermittent jolts of electricity to keep the motor in operation. In the case of a weak capacitor the HVAC system will not be able to operate efficiently. Whereas, with the case of a bad capacitor the system will not run at all.  

burnt hvac contactor

Burnt or Pitted Contactor

Another common problem that can happen with HVAC systems is a burnt or pitted contactor. A contractor is a component that supplies voltage to the system’s compressor and fan motor. If the contactor is burned out it will not be able to supply voltage and the system will not run at all. In the case with a pitted contactor, it will not be able to operate efficiently. 

hvac thermostat malfunction

Thermostat Malfunction

The thermostat is the brain of your home’s AC system. It assists in regulating the indoor air quality to your specifications. It also controls when and how often the AC will turn on and off based upon your settings. It is an especially important part of your air conditioning and without it nothing else works.

To ensure that the thermostat for your air conditioner is working correctly follow these steps:

  1. Go to the breaker box and turn off the AC breaker, wait a few seconds then turn back on. 
  2. If applicable, inspect the batteries and exchange them if needed. 
  3. Inspect the thermostat and make sure that it is turned on.
  4. If it is turned on, make sure that it is set to ‘cool’ mode.

If you have completed the above and the AC is still not working, then you most likely have a thermostat malfunction. If you are not adept with electricity, then you will require the services of an HVAC technician to troubleshoot and make the necessary repairs for you.