Furnace Installation in Arlington, TX

You have concluded that it is time to get rid of your existing furnace and have a new one installed. You have done all the research and you have decided which furnace you would like installed in your Arlington, TX home. All the boxes have been checked except for the actual installation. Wait, let us back up for a minute. There are actually a few more things that you may need to know with having a new furnace installed. 

The Size of the Furnace

The most important step in the whole process is the size of the furnace. This is important because if it is not sized properly it will not be efficient. If the furnace is too small, it will not be able to adequately keep the indoor air temperatures warm. If the furnace is too big, it will not be work as efficiently as it could if it was the correct size. 

How do you Determine the Right Furnace Size?

There are quite a few factors in determining the correct size of a furnace for a home. One of those factors is the square footage of the home. Another factor is the immediate climate around where your home is. Many other factors come into play as well such as the number of windows, doors, design structure and more. To be positive that you are selecting the correct model and size, you should always work with a professional contractor. The contractor will be able to assess all these factors that can impact what size and type furnace you should get. Below we go over a few tips to help you. 

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Inspection of Vents and Ducts

It is always a great idea to have your ductwork inspected before installing a new furnace. The ductwork in your home could be clogged with dirt, dust, and other debris. This will guarantee that the new furnace will not be able to operate as efficiently as it would otherwise. Another problem could be the ductwork is not sealed correctly. This will greatly diminish the efficiency of the furnace as well as greatly increase costs in operating it. 

heating and ac technician

Furnace Installation is not for the DIYer

A new furnace cost a good bit of savings. To save yourself a few bucks, you may be tempted to install the furnace yourself. Metro Express Service does not suggest this. If you do not do the job correctly, then you could end up costing yourself more over time than if you had of went ahead and had it professionally installed. 

An improperly installed furnace can reduce the efficiency of it by around thirty percent or more. That right there alone should make you understand why it is detrimental to hire a professional to install a new furnace. 

Lynda Sinclair

Do you have a Smart Thermostat?

Another factor that you should consider is upgrading your existing thermostat. If you have not already done so in the past five years or so you should really consider installing a smart thermostat. With a smart thermostat you will have more flexibility to greatly reduce the furnace’s operating costs.

When you know you will not be home you can adjust the settings on the fly through your smart phone with internet access. You could also upgrade your old vents with smart vents and control which rooms to heat and which not too. However, closing too many vents could lower the life expectancy of your system. 

Richard Escovedo


Now that the furnace is installed, there is still more work that needs to be accomplished. A key check point in ensuring that the furnace continues to work efficiently is scheduling regular maintenance. Yes, just like your car, your furnace will need regular maintenance. When you make sure to keep your furnace tuned-up it will continue saving money for you, as well as extend the life cycle of the unit. You should have a professional technician inspect your system during the spring and fall every year. 

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